Tuesday, November 18, 2014

All I can say is awesome.

Today was great!!!!! The teacher that I am co-teaching with all of the sudden got sick, and she asked me to take over.  The day had not started yet. At first, I just looked at her and I said "are you serious?" She said "yes I don't think I can." I jumped up and looked around, and I don't know where it came from but, I improvised and instantly started teaching.  I used some strategies that I have learned at WKU. It was so awesome. I am so happy. I just don't know where it came from. I was not prepared and I did it. And it was great. So, she let me do it all day. The students responded very well. Everyone participated. The students were engaged. And it was all on the fly!!!  And the teacher approved of what I did and was impressed.  I am so excited. 
Also, I have been brainstorming on how to help here and help students in Kentucky. I have figured out what I want to do. I will be challenging all of you to aid me on my project. You will be hearing from me. I have already spoken to the principal amd other administrators. We will be meeting with some of the people in the Ministry of Education here in Belize. I am on a role folks. I will be putting a proposal together and you will hear from me. 
And one more thing, tomorrow is a Belizeian Holiday called Garifuna Settlement Day. No school. Yay!! I will be traveling (with my shadows) down to Dangriga to participate in a celebration. I am excited. Stay tuned. 


  1. You are amazing. My heart swells with love and pride for you and your amazing supportive husband and children. Love being a part of this experience with you through your blog.

    1. They are my backbone and my motivation. I couldn't do this with out them.

  2. You are AWESOME!!! You should feel very proud of yourself!!!!

  3. Well everyone in my life madee this way.

  4. Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you!! Way to go! Love you
